15 Software Engineering Project Ideas for High School Students

As a high school with an inclination towards computer science and engineering, engaging in hands-on software engineering projects offers numerous advantages. By tackling real-world problems through programming, you develop crucial technical skills such as coding, debugging, and problem-solving, which extend far beyond the classroom. 

These projects not only foster creativity and innovation but also serve as valuable additions to college applications. After all, admissions officers appreciate seeing a student’s initiative and passion through self-driven work. Having a complete, significant project can help your profile stand out as it shows your readiness for rigorous academic and professional challenges in the field of computer science.

If you wish to give your academic journey a boost while testing your coding skills in the real world, here’s a list of 15 software engineering project ideas for high school students you can explore. 

1. Simple Chatbot

This project involves designing a basic chatbot that responds to user input using predefined answers or a dictionary that maps specific keywords to relevant responses. It will involve utilizing string manipulation to analyze input, along with conditional statements and loops to simulate conversational flow. 

You can enhance your project by implementing keyword detection to trigger meaningful responses. The chatbot can also be expanded by adding more responses based on the complexity of user queries. This project is ideal for beginners in programming or computer science, particularly those learning Python. 

Skills Required: String manipulation, conditional statements, loops

Tips: Use a dictionary for keyword mapping and ensure the chatbot can handle varying user inputs

Experience Level: Beginner

Resources: Python Chatbot Tutorial

2. Face Detection Software

Using the OpenCV library, you can develop face detection software capable of identifying and categorizing faces in images or videos. This project involves utilizing pre-trained classifiers in OpenCV to detect faces in real-time, track them, and classify them into distinct groups. 

It’s an ideal project for intermediate-level students interested in computer vision and software development. The project teaches key skills like image processing, object detection, and handling real-time data streams.

Skills Required: Image processing, object detection, OpenCV library

Tips: Explore different classifiers and practice detecting faces in both static images and live video feeds

Experience Level: Intermediate

Resources: OpenCV

3. Number Guessing Game

In this project, you will write a Python program where the computer generates a random number within a specified range, and players try to guess it. The program should allow users to make multiple guesses by implementing a loop structure and provide feedback on whether the guess is too high, too low, or correct. You will need to include error handling to manage non-numeric inputs and set a limit on the number of attempts. 

This project is perfect for beginners in programming, particularly those learning Python, as it teaches essential concepts like random number generation, loops, and conditional statements.

Skills Required: Random number generation, loops, conditional statements

Tips: Add a feature to limit guesses and implement error handling for invalid inputs

Experience Level: Beginner

Resources: Python

4. AI-powered Difficulty Level-adjusting Game 

For this project, you will create a game that adjusts its difficulty level based on the player's performance using machine learning algorithms. The game could range from something simple, like rock, paper, scissors, to a more advanced platform where obstacles are presented in response to the player's skill level. 

To achieve this, you will need to implement machine learning principles to analyze player behavior and dynamically adjust the challenge. This project is best suited for students interested in computer science and game development, particularly those eager to explore AI and data analysis.

Skills Required: Machine learning, data analysis, programming logic, game development

Tips: Use libraries like TensorFlow or PyTorch to build the adaptive system, and gather user data to train the AI

Experience Level: Beginner, intermediate

Resources: Tensorflow, PyTorch

5. VR App that Uses 3D Modeling to Reduce Stress and Anxiety

With this project, you will develop a virtual reality (VR) application that uses 3D modeling to create calming environments aimed at reducing stress and anxiety. Using platforms like Unity or ARCore, students can design immersive experiences, such as virtual gardens, peaceful forests, or outer space scenes, where users can relax. 

The app would require students to incorporate 3D modeling skills, interactive VR elements, and user experience design to create an effective stress-relief tool.

Skills Required: 3D modeling, VR development, user experience design

Tips: Experiment with soundscapes and visual elements to enhance the calming effect

Experience Level: Beginner, intermediate

Resources: Unity Learn

6. Hangman Game

Students can build a classic Hangman game where players guess letters to reveal a hidden word. This project involves selecting a word from a predefined list or generating a random word and creating logic to track player guesses and display the hangman’s progress visually. 

It is a beginner-level project suitable for students interested in programming, especially those using Python. The program should handle non-alphabetic inputs and repeated guesses and update the display as the game progresses.

Skills Required: String manipulation, loops, conditional statements  

Tips: Start with a small word bank and expand by adding more words or implementing a scoring system

Experience level: Beginner

Resources: Python Hangman Tutorial

7. Image-Based Waste Segregating App

Students can develop a waste-segregating app that uses deep learning and image classification to distinguish between recyclable and non-recyclable materials. By implementing computer vision techniques such as edge detection and leveraging libraries like OpenCV, you can train the app to classify waste based on image input. 

This project is well-suited for intermediate-level students with a strong interest in machine learning and environmental sustainability.

Skills Required:  Machine learning, image classification, computer vision, Python

Tips: Use pre-trained models to enhance accuracy and consider adding a user-friendly interface

Experience Level: Beginner, intermediate

Resources: Kaggle to improve classification accuracy 

8. NLP Techniques to Classify Amazon Reviews

This project involves using Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques to classify Amazon reviews into positive or negative categories based on keywords, sentiment analysis, and patterns within the text. You will need to preprocess the reviews by tokenizing the text, removing stop words, and using machine learning models such as Naive Bayes or Support Vector Machines (SVM) for classification. 

Skills Required: NLP, text analysis, sentiment analysis, machine learning, Python 

Tips: Fine-tune models by incorporating more sophisticated NLP techniques

Experience Level: Intermediate

Resources: Kaggle for Amazon review datasets

9. Password Generator

This project involves building a password generator using random number generation and string manipulation techniques. Students will implement loops to generate random passwords based on the user-specified length and optional customization, such as including special characters or numbers. Designing a simple user interface to allow for customization will enhance the project. 

This project is a good fit for beginner to intermediate-level students interested in learning about security-related applications in programming. Python's built-in libraries, such as “random,” will be helpful.

Skills Required: Random number generation, strings, loops, Python programming

Tips: Include options for different character sets (e.g., uppercase, lowercase, numbers, special symbols) for customizable password strength

Experience Level: Beginner

Resources: Python Tutorial

10. Mental Health Monitoring App

This project involves creating a chatbot that uses NLP and data analysis to monitor mental health through conversations. The app would be designed to detect signs of mental health issues, such as depression or anxiety, by analyzing user inputs. Based on patterns, it can recommend resources or suggest reaching out for help. 

This project is ideal for intermediate-level students interested in merging technology with health care. For datasets on mental health, students can explore resources like Kaggle.

Skills Required: Natural Language Processing, data analysis, chatbot programming, speech recognition

Tips: Implement sentiment analysis to detect emotional cues from users

Experience Level: Intermediate

Resources: Kaggle

11. Morse Code Translator

In this project, students will build a program that converts text to Morse code and vice versa by creating dictionaries that map letters, numbers, and symbols to their Morse code equivalents. The project requires handling string manipulation to process user input, while also accounting for edge cases like uppercase, lowercase letters, and punctuation. 

This project is suitable for students interested in learning basic programming concepts, as it helps develop strong problem-solving skills and shows you how to design efficient string-based algorithms.

Skills Required: String manipulation, dictionaries, loops

Tips: Create a robust mapping system for Morse code and ensure proper handling of upper/lowercase characters and punctuation

Experience Level: Beginner

Resources: Morse Code Translator Tutorial

12. Currency Converter

This project involves building a program that converts amounts between different currencies using real-time exchange rates or pre-defined mathematical formulas. Students will need to design an interface where users can input the amount, select input and output currencies, and receive the converted result. Handling user input validation and errors, such as invalid inputs or API failures, is critical for the app’s functionality. 

If you’re a beginner or intermediate student interested in learning user input handling and optionally using APIs to fetch live data, this project is for you.

Skills Required: Mathematical formulas, user input handling  

Tips: Research and integrate currency exchange rate APIs for real-time data and ensure robust error handling for invalid inputs and potential API failures

Experience Level: Beginner 

Resources: Currency Converter Tutorial 

13. Simplified Weather App

This project involves developing a simplified weather app that provides clear and easy-to-read weather forecasts. Students will need to design an intuitive user interface that eliminates unnecessary clutter, allowing users to quickly access weather data. The app will use API calls to retrieve real-time weather information from a service like OpenWeather. You will handle tasks such as fetching and displaying the data, as well as dealing with potential errors from API calls or invalid user inputs.

Skills Required: API usage, user interface design, error handling  

Tips: Use a weather API like OpenWeather to gather data and ensure the interface is simple and accessible for users

Experience Level: Intermediate

Resources: OpenWeather

14. File Encryption/Decryption Tool

For this project, you will develop a file encryption and decryption tool that secures text files using a basic encryption algorithm, such as Caesar Cipher. This project will require implementing file-handling operations to read and write encrypted and decrypted text, along with applying string manipulation techniques to transform the data. It's important to include error handling to manage any issues that may arise during file operations or the encryption process. 

This project is perfect for students at an intermediate level who are interested in cybersecurity and software development, as it introduces them to cryptography and secure data handling.

Skills Required: File handling, string manipulation, loops

Tips: Research simple encryption techniques like the Caesar Cipher and practice handling file operations in Python

Experience Level: Beginner

Resources: Caesar Cipher Tutorial

15. Slot Machine

In this project, students will create a simple slot machine game using Python or another programming language. The game will simulate the mechanics of a traditional slot machine, relying on random number generation to determine the outcome of each spin. Students should design a user interface to display the results of each spin and incorporate logic to prevent winning combinations (e.g., making the game unwinnable if desired). It is a great fit for those interested in learning about loops, conditional statements, and randomness.

Skills Required: Random number generation, loops and conditional statements, ASIC user input handling, and logic implementation for game mechanics

Tips: Familiarize yourself with Python's random module for spin outcomes, implement error handling for user input, and consider adding features like a scoring system or bonus rounds for more interactivity

Experience Level: Beginner

Resources: Python Random Module

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Veritas AI is an AI program designed for high schoolers. It’s founded and run by Harvard graduate students. The program aims to allow students to create unique projects in the field of AI. Participants will get to learn more about AI from researchers and experts and work 1-on-1 with mentors from Harvard, MIT, Stanford, and more. In just the past year, we’ve had over a thousand students learn with us! You too can apply!

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